Thursday, February 21, 2008

NAshedi mitr mandli

They say you know a person by the type of friends he has. Well, without being mean, I don’t think anyone can have any worse sons of bitches than I have had (I am sure they will return the compliment – more likely with more flashy words.)
Don’t know who to start with because shit is really shit - be it a dog shit or a monkey shit. Due to lack of time- these being my office hours and almost the time for lunch, will confine the discussion to my GBPEC batch mates -the seniors are again left out, as they themselves have to be showered with praises .
Categorising them is as difficult as picking up a winning combination in the IPL – unlike there, there is no cap on the players.
There are basically three vices a man can have – Nari Nasha and Netagiri. This dialog – I heard umpteen times from LMT who has himself mastered the first two.
Nashebaaj is the word I can categorise a majority of my friends. Billu Tappu were the ones who basically hand picked me for these vices. Still remember the night we three had three bottles- that too for no loss.Had some narrow escapes when came back from their room downstairs in Ddun.
Gullu was one of the worst things that happened to me, as unlike others he gave me ‘company’ even after I was inducted into the ‘professional’ league in Infy Mysore. We emtied all our pockets in the likes of Jewel Rock and Jungle Dhaba. Before him, these luxuries were confined to weekends, but he would come bumping in the room- giving a devilish smile that had WHISKEY written all over. Innocent as I am, I would always fall for his tricks. Daily we went for a fag immediately after gym.
Sanjosh was another player of the same ‘class’. He was a real asshole who,during our last days in college, tried to make everyone emotional every time he had a booze. Had to give him company on our last night out in college- the night preceding the convocation.
Jugaad, though the most helpful person I ever met had an equally important role in ruining me. Don’t know how, but he always managed to have some cash for ciggis and his favourite-the beedis. If you can get it anywhere, you will get it in his room was our motto – common for filtered water as well as smoke.
His neighbour Baba- the most Jaleel baba I have ever met or will ever want to meet. He was another rascal who was always willing to pitch in 50 bucks for a bottle or afive rupee coin for a smoke.
Gupta and Devli I feel are the two creatures who were tricked into all this- ditto my case. None of them could handle it. Specially Baniya, who always looked for poles to climb on. I don’t know how this notion creeped into his head that he may be able to climb the poles. Devli the ass always was around when you were having a smoke and almost consistently forgot to pass it on and many a times licked the filter. Am not sure if he has some secret wherein ciggi ‘tastes’ better.
Doctor was arguably another main villain. I spent most of my time in the last two semesters with him, and incidentally this was the time I went from amateur to professional. He never let go and with his constant supply he ensured that neither do I. In Bangalore, he again and again tested my patience, and ensured I don’t live ‘without’ it for long.

I am what I am because of all these people and some others I may have missed.(Deliberately missed out Hemu,Yogi and BD as they never really played villains compared to these hardcore veterans and at some point of time even tried to help me out of it.)
And now when I set my Orkut status as ‘Quit’ smoking and ‘Ocassionally’ drinking, these are the ones who laugh their heart out. It is altogether a different issue they know me better and know a pun was intended. Still – don’t I have the right to ‘Quit’ even in my thoughts?